Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Slow progress

Since getting ignition control sorted, progress on the project has been very slow. Mainly due to work commitments, holidays and spending time on other projects.

The main restriction to major progress has been the throttle body modification. I have switched my tactic again and decided to modify an existing bank of mc22 carburetors to act as throttle bodies rather than to modify the GSR throttle bodies to fit the mc22 engine. This would consist of machining out the carb venturi to create a smooth, unobstructed passage from carb inlet to butterfly valve, also blanking off the slide passage and float bowl and machining injector seats into the bodies after the butterfly valves. The advantages here being that the machining involved is within the scope of my own abilities on a manual machine simply because I don't trust other people's QC!
Since last posting I have procured a spare set of carbs to be modified and am currently trying to find a workshop I can use in my spare time to do the work.

As well as carbs, I've procured a spare fuel tank that can be modified to take an in-tank fuel pump and also procured the fuel pump from a Kawasaki ZX636R.

In the meantime, I have begun to tidy up the wiring loom to a more permanent standard using proper wiring connectors. A lambda sensor has been connected to provide input to the ECU.

I have also wired in the Koso dash into the existing loom and now have a fully functioning rev counter which takes it's input from the ECU. Installation on the bike was pretty straight-forward and consisted of some minor modification to the mounting bracket supplied with the clocks and bolted onto the old clock stay bracket. Wiring was also straight-forward with the majority of inputs being supplied through the stock 9-pin connector for the old clocks. This tidied up the wiring a nice bit as the additional inputs consist of
  • Constant 12V
  • Switched 12V
  • Fuel sensor
  • Coolant temp
  • Oil temp
  • Speed signal
Koso mounting bracket installed

Koso dash installed

Main wiring connected. It is still a mess to be tidied up closer to completion

I'm also trying to get the CBR600RR stick coils to fit but having issues with cylinder #2 clearance with the fan motor. The coil itself is just too long and sticks up too far. Anyone know of stick coils that are just 15-20mm shorter than those on a 2007 CBR600RR?